Global Teachers - South Africa 2016
The Global Teachers Fellowship provides North Carolina’s outstanding teachers with the quickest and most economical way to increase their global competence.
Selection of Fellows
The 18-month Global Teachers program is designed for public and charter school teachers of all subjects, all grade levels, and at all stages in their careers. Eventually, at least 100 teachers from 100 counties will be fully subsidized to participate in the program each year - in perpetuity - through the Global Teachers Fellowship.
Counties will select Fellows through their preferred method:
Option 1: Implement a county-wide application, interview, and selection process. Go Global NC will provide resources, including various models and/or connection to other experienced counties upon request.
Option 2: Align Fellow selection with a Teacher of the Year Award that already exists in the county. Schools and counties in North Carolina have

Global Teachers - China 2015
well-developed Teacher of the Year selection processes in place to assess the quality, motivation, and effectiveness of teachers. The Global Teacher Fellowship would be a significant reward to recognize the awardees for their excellence.
Selection of Countries and Regions of Study

Countries and regions of study are selected according to several criteria, targeted to foster learning that aligns with North Carolina needs and realities including:
Relevancy to North Carolina's demographics
Economic growth and workforce development
STEM success
Leading educational practices
Alignment of public policy planning with education
Diverse populations
Global Teachers - Singapore 2015
Program Requirements
Each Global Teachers Fellow must sign a contract and make a commitment to participate in all required sessions over an 18-month period. The Global Teachers program also requires each teacher to design, develop, and implement at least one curriculum unit or other appropriate project and make at least one presentation about their experience at their school and one in their larger community (school board, district meeting, Rotary club, etc.).
The Global Teachers Fellowship and program occurs in five phases:
Phase 1: Selection Process. School systems select educators to receive a Global Teachers Fellowship through a competitive, countywide application process; or, alternatively, the Fellowship may be awarded to the county’s teacher of the year.
Phase 2: Global Teachers Program Orientation. Virtual and/or in-person workshops on the destination country’s history, society, government, environment, and education systems; cross-cultural communication and international travel; goal setting; and project-planning.
Phase 3: Global Teachers International Immersion. Ten to fourteen days in-country where they will study the country’s education system, including interacting with local students, teachers, and families; visiting historical and cultural sites; receiving presentations from experts about STEM, the environment, or other interesting and unique topics of the country; and participating in guided debriefing sessions with their peers to share observations and prepare to impact their local community in North Carolina.

Global Teachers - India 2013

Global Teachers - India 2013
Phase 4: Global Teachers Follow-Up Workshop. A one-day workshop held approximately two months after international immersion. Educators share their global curriculum units and projects with their peers, and the group works collectively to strengthen the material. They work together to build presentations to share in their districts and the communities. They strengthen their bonds with each other and brainstorm ways to positively impact the quality of education across our state.
Phase 5: Connecting North Carolina Classrooms and the World. After the follow-up workshop, the Fellows implement their curriculum units and projects in their classrooms and communities. Go Global NC then conducts a survey to measure the impacts after one year.